Membership / Accreditation Fees

Fees of MIBB – Membership and Accreditation

Overview of fees
MIBB Physician MIBB Institution
Membership Schweizer Gesellschaft
für Senologie (SGS) of the individual associate (as of 2021)
CHF 175,00 /year
Initial Accreditation CHF 2500 (once)
Membership MIBB no fee no fee
Processing fee per MIBB case
entered in the Adjumed database
CHF 25 / VAB case*


Overview of accreditation and annual fees (per case)


Minimum charge per year  CHF 500.- (reflects the 20 VAB to be performed each year to meet the requirements of quality)
High performance institutions receive a discounts of the processing fees:

  • from 50 cases up a 5% discount
  • from 100 cases up a 10 % discount
  • from 200 cases up a 15% discount