Certification of beginners

Requirements for a «Beginner»

“Beginner” is defined as any physician

  • who is starting to learn how to perform minimal invasive breast biopsies
  • physicians with low experience are considered those who do not reach 12 VABs per year

Application process:

  • Member of the SGS applied or confirmed (SGS membership application)
  • MIBB-certification course applied of confirmed (MIBB courses)
  • Confirmation of 5 VABs  performed under supervision and individually performed. Submit confirmation template (RIS documentation) or confirmation by supervisor which includes the number of biopsies and the corresponding time period to mibb@adjumed.ch
  • Fill in the online beginner application form (click here)

Requirements to be fulfilled after initial certification:

  • Performance of at least 12 VABs per year
  • Entering all data of VAB cases into the Adjumed database

If the institution of the applicant is not accredited by MIBB, the institute certification  needs to be  completed first. After successful accreditation of the institution the individual can apply for a MIBB certification as described above.

When you are a member of the already registered institution, there will be no additional fee for yourself.    The institution will be charged annually for the registration and processing of the data inserted in the mibb data base (see „membership and accreditation fees“)

Online MIBB Application form Beginner: